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Humor - Cringe

L - a - 2017-01-25, 22:43

Zaknafein, kiedy następna porcja kryndżu?
Zaknafein - 2017-01-25, 22:49

L - a napisał/a:
Zaknafein, kiedy następna porcja kryndżu?


L - a - 2017-01-25, 23:26

Dzięki <3


Zaknafein - 2017-01-28, 00:15

wejscie w 2:28 rozpierdala

[ Dodano: 2017-01-27, 23:40 ]
ja pierdolę

When I was in college, I worked at a fish market on long island. You’d greet the customers on the floor and walk around the store with them, grabbing whatever they needed (lobsters, oysters, shrimp etc). Then you’d carry their food to the register, bag it up and hand it to them after they paid. At this point they’d usually slip you a few bucks for helping them out. Sometimes they’d give you the move where they shook your hand and had a few singles folded up inside for you. It was a good gig for a student.

One day I went through the usual routine with a customer. I was polite, made a few jokes, and tried to make the process painless for him. After I bagged up his stuff and told him to have a good day, he put his hand out in a fist toward me. I put my hand under his to accept the tip but the money never dropped. I figured he was trying to be slick and give me the money discretely, so I jammed my finger inside his curled up fist to get the money out…but again it wasn’t there.

At this point I realized he was giving me a fist bump and had no intention of actually tipping me. He stared at me as my sweaty, gross hand groped his for an imaginary tip. I don’t know who was more embarrassed – me or him.

[ Dodano: 2017-01-27, 23:57 ]

[ Dodano: 2017-01-28, 00:04 ]
this was years ago and it still makes me physically ill thinking about it

so after getting my hair cut and dyed, i was paying my stylist. I asked her how much I should tip her (who asks that?) and she said "I don't know! Whatever you feel is right!"

so I put in like $20 and when she looked at the receipt i looked her dead in the eyes and said "yeah you like that?" She just kind of looked at me. I looked back at her, regretting my entire existence. I just kind of left without another word, because I was so shocked and embarrassed that my brain and mouth would work together to betray me like that

i hate everything about this memory

[ Dodano: 2017-01-28, 00:05 ] xDDDDD

[ Dodano: 2017-01-28, 00:20 ]
Got my haircut yesterday from a cute hairdresser. She asked where I worked. After I finished telling her, I asked "what about you?"

[ Dodano: 2017-01-28, 00:29 ]

Dead_Laugh - 2017-01-28, 10:57

Właściwie to gość od Bullet Ball odniósł sukces i jego gra była na olimpiadzie... seniorów. Ale znalazł jakieś tam lecznicze zastosowanie tej gry i fundacje nawet założył.
widzu - 2017-01-30, 17:39

Od Mudżyna

L - a - 2017-02-04, 16:46

To nie jest cringe.
Zaknafein - 2017-02-04, 16:48

L - a napisał/a:
To nie jest cringe.

[ Added: 2017-02-04, 15:48 ]
jedna rozumna

[ Added: 2017-02-04, 15:48 ]
Lilith_Madness napisał/a:
Ostrzegam, filmik chory

no wlasnie, chory

to do wu te ef

[ Added: 2017-02-04, 15:49 ]
w sumie to pierwsza rzecz ktorą powiedzialem jak go wlaczylem
whatdafuq xD

[ Added: 2017-02-04, 15:50 ]
Lilith_Madness napisał/a:
wrzućcie w śmieszne filmiki...

no beka w chuj xD

KicerK - 2017-02-15, 19:46
widzu - 2017-04-12, 23:36

Barbra - 2017-04-13, 11:16


chociaż na pierwszy rzut oka myślałam że to bartek coś wrzucił znowu xddd

c1ick - 2017-04-13, 11:49

wytargać tylko takiego za ucho
widzu - 2017-04-14, 15:18
Dead_Laugh - 2017-04-14, 15:24

Moris299 - 2017-04-14, 16:08

Kolejny który nie rozumie pojęcie Cringe :spiew:
To prędzej do czarnego humoru

widzu - 2017-04-14, 16:15

Ja się po tym poczułem źle człowiek, więc IMO bardziej cringe.
Barbra - 2017-04-14, 16:23

Lilith - 2017-04-14, 16:25

Dla mnie to bardziej WTF. No ale ja sobie mogę pisać, skoro nie odróżniam.
Wychodzi na to, że dla każdego cringe to co innego ;p

Zaknafein - 2017-04-14, 16:36

Lilith_Madness napisał/a:
Dla mnie to bardziej WTF. No ale ja sobie mogę pisać,

możesz np nie pisać
to wciskanie wszędzie swoich chuja wartych 3 groszy jest właśnie cringy

te emoji na obrazku też więc widzu masz moje błogosławieństwo i nie truj mi kurwa dupy jak gram

macbed - 2017-04-14, 16:55


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