Testy, Quizy - TestColor
ChodnikowyWilk - 2016-02-14, 18:21 Temat postu: TestColor Chyba nie było.
Link: http://www.testcolor.com/...onalitytest.php
Co prawda opisy po angielsku, ale myślę że to nie jest jakiś duży problem
Mój wynik:
Cytat: |
You are 55% extravert and 45% introvert.
You are intellectual and intelligent, you wonder and you inquire before taking any action.
You are also a manager and a structured person, you know how to take into account the needs of each person while leading them towards the set goals.
You are dynamic, your actions are only directed by your own will and you know how to lead people.
The qualities that characterize your personality:
Your intellectual performance.
at 21%, You are intellectual and intelligent, you wonder and you inquire before taking any action and setting your values.
Your insights.
at 20% ,you are thoughtful and deep, you think before getting into action and you know how to communicate your knowledge.
Your management skills.
at 20%, you are a manager and a structured person, you know how to take into account the needs of each person while leading them to the fixed goals.
Your dynamism.
at 19%, you are dynamic and active, you are determined in your actions, you know how to communicate your ideals and your energy, and thus, you know how to boost people.
Your contact abilities.
at 18%, you are open and good communicator, you know how to attract people and engage them.
Finely you are a manager and a leader, and you know how to organize groups of people and how to give them your energy, you are strong-willed and active, your actions are determined by your own will, by the goals you settled to yourself, and by your need to act and move ahead. |
Nawet się zgadza, szczególnie podział ekstrawertyzmu do intro. Nie mam pojęcia co wybór ulubionych kolorów ma do tych wszystkich cech, ale niech im będzie.
macbed - 2016-02-14, 18:26
Totalnie bez sensu
[ Dodano: 2016-02-14, 18:26 ]
Potestuję trochę ten test.
Szyszek - 2016-02-14, 21:53
Nie do końca bym się zgodził z wynikami.
"You are 52% extravert and 48% introvert."
Nie czuję się takim ekstrawertykiem.
Zabek05 - 2016-02-15, 02:15
Cytat: | You are 47% extravert and 53% introvert.
The qualities that characterize your personality:
Your energy.
at 21%, you are strong-willed and active, your actions are determined by your own will, by the goals you settled to yourself, and by your need to act and move ahead.
Your intellectual performance.
at 20% ,You are intellectual and intelligent, you wonder and you inquire before taking any action and setting your values.
Your imagination.
at 20%, you are a creative person, with always new ideas, and you know how to apply them.
Your dynamism.
at 18%, you are dynamic and active, you are determined in your actions, you know how to communicate your ideals and your energy, and thus, you know how to boost people.
Your insights.
at 18%, you are thoughtful and deep, you think before getting into action and you know how to communicate your knowledge.
Finely you are creative, you know how to see beauty, you are intuitive and your inspiration comes from the inside, you are attuned to others and you show a good emotional intelligence, which allow you to give support to people.
pogrubiłem wszystko, co u mnie się zgadza.
chujowy test, pozdrawiam
icywind - 2020-12-22, 14:08
macbed - 2020-12-22, 15:10
[ Dodano: 2020-12-22, 15:12 ]
wyszło mi totalnie co innego niż w 2k16
RudaMaupa - 2021-01-09, 03:16
Trochę tak jakbyś się mocno rozwinął i zbudował pewność siebie od tamtego czasu.
macbed - 2021-01-09, 18:36
w suuumie to by się zgadzało
[ Dodano: 2021-01-09, 18:36 ]
współpracuję ostatnio z osobami które są 10/10 jeśli chodzi o umiejętności komunikacji i sporo się uczę od nich
Lilith - 2021-01-09, 20:16
Nie nazwałabym się osobą introwertyczną.